‘Ali – The Greatest’ is a spray paint, ink and resin silkscreen print by highly collectable artist Dan Pearce.
The mixed media piece of original art is screen printed onto an aluminium sheet and is signed by the artist.
Dan Pearce – master of mixed media printing – was recently featured in London’s Shortlist magazine as one of the UK’s most collectable emerging artists. Such an endorsement needs little elaboration: the works speak for themselves. Bold and confident, his art prints take inspiration from street and pop art, blending elements of fine art to create an iconic style that carefully blends new, digital media with old school techniques.
‘Ali – The Greatest’ uses a photograph of the late Muhammad Ali, finished with a blue wash like one of Warhol’s Marilyns. Fuzzy lines of blue spray paint and thick drips of white acrylic surround the image, using an artful mesh of styles – abstract expressionism meets pop-art meets street-art – to create a truly inimitable aesthetic.