Forgive Us Our Sins – Starbucks

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‘Forgive Us Our Sins’ is an exquisite original sculpture by contemporary artist Laura Keeble.

Price: £1200


This impressive piece of 3D art has been hand crafted using antique reclaimed stained glass from church windows & lead.

Laura Keeble says she had been interested in the use of stained glass and the symbolic significance of sacred and holy relics and objects for some time: “I find the aspect of ‘magical thinking’ a very interesting thought process, that no matter what culture we originate from this thought that an object can have such divine powers as to control a situation externally from itself has thrived for centuries.”

Laura Keeble creates art works that explore the ideas of social norms & role of iconic brands and famous logos & symbols within our culture.

In this piece Laura Keeble examines Starbucks, one of the best-known coffee shops nationwide.