Typo-Graphic Art | A Solo Exhibition by Steve Smythe

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T Y P O – G R A P H I C A R T | A Solo Show by Steve Smythe
Is Typography an art? That’s like asking if photography is an art.

Up and Coming artist, Steve Smythe, his first solo show is to be hosted by
Turner | Barnes | Gallery

24 Fe b r u a r y – 7 A p r i l  |  S h e n f i e l d


An exhibition based around Urban & Pop Art, taking on the style and appearance of printed matter and typography. The artworks are making modern day language appealing to the eye, using relatable statements arranged to create unique pieces of art. Steve loves to play with iconic images and text to produce a depiction of graphic art. His adventurous experimentation with mediums and materials, create paint effects with amazing results.


Steve Smythe | Since 2014 | not digital since 2016.

“Learning to print was easy, learning to paint is an ongoing process. Every piece
is unique, editions are boring. Trying to capture Contemporary Streetart, if
that’s a thing? I’ve learnt a lot from my mistakes.” *Personal favourites.
Blending the boundaries between Contemporary Art and Streetart.
Steve Smythe creates a range of work that explores collage, screenprinting,
mixed media and unique layered images that are reminiscent of deteriorating
paste-ups. Often combining iconic figures with torn text in a variety of fonts,
Steve’s prints and collages are rich in detail and texture. Avoiding editions and
a belief in creating something unique with every piece of art.
With a library of silk screens and a tendency to get bored Steve floats between
collage, screenprinting and mixed media works.
Steve has a degree in Product Design and a teaching degree from Cambridge
A self-taught artist, he began creating his work in early 2013 (After several
years of creating design work for other people). For Steve art gives him the
freedom to work without boundaries, to do whatever he wants, no constraints,
no brief, no amendments, no clients believing they know better. It’s a freedom
to work and explore in a manor not possible within the life design.
Inspired by Nouveau Realism, decollage, torn street posters and artists such as
Jacques Villeglé and Raymond Hains, Steveʼs work incorporates layers of paint,
mixed media, spray paint and screenprint.
Steveʼs images explore both human and typographical forms, figuratively and in a graphical sense. He is fascinated by the deconstruction of layers and allowing the work to take its own form of
visual distortion, somewhere between existence and demise.


E X H I B I T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

V e n u e: T U R N E R | B A R N E S | G A L L E R Y
2 1 H u t t o n R o a d, S h e n f i e l d, C M 1 5 8 J U

D a t e s: 24 F e b r u a r y  –   7  A p r i l  2 0 1 8
T i m e s: T u e s d a y – F r i d a y | 1 0 a m – 2 p m
S a t u r d a y | 10am – 5pm
Viewing by appointment available outside these times