Birds Sing Their Rites of Spring

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Winter Birds Begin Singing Their Rites of Spring

The singing of the winter-resident birds is among the first signs that spring is around the corner, so some morning soon they too will wake to the lilt of a backyard bird pleading for a mate.

“In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,” the saying goes. The same may be said of birds. That’s because spring is when most birds turn to family obligations—they mate, build nests, lay eggs and raise young. Why do birds sing so much during this time, though? Female songbirds usually arrive on the nesting grounds a week or two after the males. As they pass through, they hear the males singing. If a song attracts them, a female will stop to look over the male, check his plumage to determine if he has desirable genes, and then explore his territory. It is the female that selects a mate.

TURNER | BARNES | GALLERY are exhibiting a group show of resident and guest artists, all of who have used Birds as inspiration or subject matter.

The collection of works will touch on Urban art, Pop Art, Contemporary screenprints and photography based mediums. A show to suit all tastes, with a wide price range, from Limited edition prints to Originals.